Motor Control - unifyelectronic srl

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Motor Control

The controls for electric motors proposed here can be destined to different industrial applications, as they are equipped with microcontrollers so it is possible to build a dedicated software depending on the application, except that the number of input and output signals are the same as those already present on the card. The great versatility of our controls and the great adaptability make it possible to identify, in a short time, a functional product at a reasonable cost. Some of these products are proposed below. UNIFY ELECTRONIC at the customer's request can certify the products through the IMQ certification body


Electronic Control half bridge PWM for DC motor open loop
Code: F00161-1050-015        Con Alimentazione 10-50V Corrente MAX 15

Electronic Control half bridge PWM for DC motor open loop
Code: F00198-1050-050        CHOP-50 With Supply power 10-50V Max Current 50A  

CHOP-100-SP1 - CHOP-100-0P2
Electronic Control half bridge and bridge PWM for DC motor open loop

Code: F00237-0000-SP1        CHOP-100 With Supply power 10-50V Max Current 100A At half bridge
Code: F00238-0000-0P2        CHOP-100 With Supply power 10-50V Max Current 100A At bridge


Soft Start System
Code: F00162-0000-000       DIM-243 Soft-Start System With ramp

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