Instruments & Sensors - unifyelectronic srl

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Instrumets & Sensor

The experience gained over the years by UNIFY ELECTRONIC working closely with its customers in the hydraulic sector has allowed us to develop a series of reliable products with high performance.

The continuous updating of the products guarantees maximum customer satisfaction and the involvement of the same in creating new solutions.


Multipurpose Instrument

Code:  F00233-000-000         STMF-4882-164 Multipurpose Instrument with Viewer LCD 16x4 and 8 In Digital 8 In Analog , USB, CANBUS

Digital Display Full Opus General Purpose

Code: F00208-BASE-000         Viewer tool TFT 4.3 "1 Multifunction USB, CAN 2 IN, 1 RS232
Code: F00208-FULL-000          VISTH Viewer Tool 4.3 "TFT Analog Digital Multifunction 4 IN 1 USB IN 2 CAN, 1 RS232, 1VideoImput

Inclination Corner Analog Transducer 4-20mA 0-10V
Codice Prodotto: F00164-0010-420      TIA-010 Inclination Corner +/- 5° out 4-20mA
Codice Prodotto:F00164-0020-420       TIA-020 Inclination Corner +/- 10° out 4-20mA
Codice Prodotto:F00164-0020-010       TIA-020 Inclination Corner +/- 10° out 0-10Vdc
Codice Prodotto:F00164-SC20-010      TIA-020 Inclination Corner +/- 10° out 0-10Vdc
Codice Prodotto:F00164-0110-420       TIA-110 Inclination Corner  +/- 55° out 4-20mA
Codice Prodotto:F00164-0210-420       TIA-210 Inclination CornerO  +/- 105° out 4-20mA
Codice Prodotto:F00164-0350-420       TIA-350 Inclination Corner  +/-175° out 4-20mA
Codice Prodotto:F00164-0360-420       TIA-360 Inclination Corner360° out 4-20mA



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